MilliCare Floor Care and Carpet Cleaning Franchise
Premiere Floor and Textile Care Company

Longtime Industry Veterans Keep milliCare Ahead of the Curve

February, 13, 2019
milliCare commercial cleaning franchise staff working

Experienced floor-care executives and professionals stay on top of trends, equipment, products and more to maximize market growth opportunities

A new milliCare cleaning franchise owner has a lot to do as he or she gets the business up and running. Having a deep bench of experience, whether it’s in operational savvy or on-the-ground knowledge, is vital. And milliCare delivers.

“Our corporate team is made up of seasoned veterans who have been around the commercial floor cleaning franchise business for a long time,” says Bill Helton, Director of Franchise Development. “They also know the independent-operator playing field, so they can come at a challenge or issue from many perspectives.”

Operational know-how helps new owners

When new cleaning franchise owners come for training, they meet the corporate team and begin to forge relationships that will help them through start-up and beyond. Much of that collaboration will be around back-office systems for payroll, cost estimating, inventory and more.

“A new owner is very eager to get out and land contracts; they want to be in the field serving clients,” Helton says. “At the same time, they have to know how to run their business, so we make sure they have the training and the support to make that happen. And then our team follows up through calls, webinars and on-site visits to make sure everything is running smoothly.”

Network of experienced pros provides input

Hands-on experience also comes into play, as new milliCare franchise owners tie into a network full of experienced owners who can answer calls or emails about specific industry issues, or a specific type of surface or building layout the new owner is encountering for the first time.

“There’s no substitute for experience,” Helton says. “Our owners are very generous with their time when it comes to walking someone through a particularly tricky type of job or offering advice on the best approach a job might demand in terms of equipment and staff usage, and overall timeline. They are the backbone of milliCare and are instrumental in our ongoing growth and success.”

Ranked 206 in Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500 list, milliCare Floor & Textile Care franchise is a business-to-business floor and textile maintenance company, with 70 locations in 29 states and six countries.

Our parent company, Milliken & Co., holds more than 7,000 patents in flooring, textiles and floor cleaning — experience and tools milliCare leverages as we carve out a niche in the floor cleaning industry. Startup costs start as low as $106,000 to $150,000, making the potential for high returns remarkable.

Learn more about milliCare

Learn more about franchising with us by exploring our research pages or downloading a copy of our free franchise report.

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MilliCare Floor Care and Carpet Cleaning Franchise
Premiere Floor and Textile Care Company
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